
Resin Driveway Prices

From cost to value: Understanding resin driveway price factors

The cost of a resin bound driveway in the UK will certainly vary depending on several factors such as the size of the driveway, the type and quality of materials used, the complexity of the installation, and the location. 

It is true, though resin bound driveways are considered a premium option and can be more expensive than traditional driveway materials like concrete or asphalt, the long term benefits will easily outweigh the costs.

The average cost for a resin driveway the UK ranged from £50 to £100 per square meter (excluding VAT). This overall cost covers materials, installation and if needs be creating a base, so that is where the variation in cost can happen.

Resin Driveway Price Cost Calculator

The price provided here is for overlay only to a depth of 18mm, it includes a stop / bead edge and any UV stable gravel of your choice.

If you require a new sub base please call us for a price on 01205 805969

Lets take a look at the factors that will affect the cost:

The size of the driveway

The size of the driveway directly affects the amount of aggregate material required for the installation. A larger driveway will demand a greater quantity of materials, which will contribute to the overall cost. The size of the driveway will also influence the labour and installation costs. A larger driveway requires more time, effort, and manpower to prepare the site, excavate, install the base layers, and apply the resin-bound or resin-bonded surface. Therefore, the labour costs associated with the installation will increase proportionally with the size of the driveway.

In some cases, specialised equipment or machinery may be needed for the preparation and installation of a resin driveway. The size of the driveway can affect the type and quantity of equipment required. Larger driveways may necessitate the use of larger machinery or additional equipment, resulting in higher equipment rental or operational costs. The size of the driveway can impact the accessibility of the site for the installation process. If the driveway is relatively small or located in a confined space, it might pose challenges for manoeuvring equipment and accessing the site. Difficulties in site accessibility can potentially increase the labour and installation costs.

Along with this, the size of the driveway may also influence the inclusion of additional features or customisation options. For instance, larger driveways may have more space for decorative patterns, borders, or edging designs, which can add to the overall cost. Similarly, if the driveway requires drainage solutions or alterations to accommodate the size, these modifications can contribute to the cost as well.

Quality and type of materials used

High-quality resins often come at a higher cost due to their superior durability, UV resistance, colour stability, and longevity. Opting for a premium resin binder can increase the overall cost of the project, but it offers long-term benefits in terms of a more resilient and attractive driveway. The desired thickness of the resin surface layer can affect the material cost. A thicker resin layer may require a larger quantity of resin binder and aggregates to achieve the desired finish. Consequently, opting for a thicker resin layer may increase the material cost compared to a thinner application.

The choice of aggregates for a resin driveway can vary in terms of size, type, colour, and quality. Premium aggregates, such as natural stone aggregates or high-quality decorative gravels, tend to be more expensive compared to standard or less aesthetically appealing options. If you choose to incorporate custom designs, patterns, or unique colour combinations into your resin driveway, it may involve the use of specialised pigments, aggregates, or additional materials. These customisations can result in higher material costs due to the need for specific, tailored materials.



Complexity of the installation

The complexity of site preparation can impact the cost of a resin driveway. If the site requires extensive excavation, levelling, or ground stabilisation, it may require additional time, labour, and equipment. Complicated site conditions, such as uneven terrain, existing structures, or poor drainage, can increase the complexity and cost of preparing the site for the installation.

If the site has inadequate natural drainage or requires the installation of additional drainage systems, it can add complexity and cost to the project. The design and implementation of effective drainage solutions, such as installing channels, soakaways, or French drains, can increase the overall difficulty.

The presence of slopes or steps within the driveway area can increase complexity and installation costs. Dealing with changes in elevation requires careful planning, levelling, and potential reinforcement to ensure a level and structurally sound resin surface.

Incorporating custom design elements or intricate patterns into the resin driveway adds complications to the installation process. The creation of specific designs, borders, or decorative features may require additional time, expertise, and precision during the installation. Installing curbs, kerbs, or other border materials requires additional labour, precise measurements, and attention to detail.

Finally, the presence of additional features or structures, such as manholes, utility covers, or existing landscaping elements, can cause issues. Incorporating these elements into the design and ensuring a seamless integration with the resin driveway may require additional planning, adjustments, or coordination.

Resin Driveway
Resin Driveway
Resin Driveway

Location of the driveway

The cost of labour and materials can vary depending on the location. Areas with higher living costs, higher demand for services, or limited availability of skilled labour may result in higher labour rates. Similarly, the cost of materials, including aggregates, resins, and other supplies, can also fluctuate based on regional pricing differences.

The accessibility of the location can affect the cost of a resin driveway. If the site is difficult to access or located in a remote area, it may require additional effort, time, and transportation logistics to bring in the necessary equipment, materials, and labor. The actual accessibility of the site can affect the complexity and cost of the installation. Difficulties in accessing the driveway location, such as narrow entrances, limited manoeuvrability, or challenging terrain, may require special equipment, additional labour, or alternative installation methods.

Different locations may have specific permitting requirements and regulations related to driveway installations. This can include obtaining permits, adhering to local building codes, or following specific guidelines for environmental protection. Compliance with these regulations may involve additional paperwork, inspections, or adjustments to the installation process, which can impact the overall cost.

Actual environmental conditions can affect the cost of a resin driveway installation. For example, if the site has poor soil quality, excessive groundwater, or requires additional measures to address erosion or stormwater management, it can add complexity and costs to the installation process. Adapting the design and implementing appropriate solutions to overcome these environmental challenges can contribute to increased costs. This is also the case when considering the climate of the location can also influence the cost of a resin driveway. In regions with extreme temperature variations, such as hot summers or cold winters, additional measures may be necessary to ensure the resilience and longevity of the driveway. These measures can include special additives, insulation, or other techniques to mitigate the impact of weather conditions, resulting in higher costs.

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